Premiere: Cassius Select – TRICKNOLOGY!

5 Minute Read

Futuristic Bass music on Bristol label Amity.

There were rules to this business, it wasn’t like any stranger could walk in off the street and make it to the top with a few flashy moves. There were principles which had to be learnt, experiences which would humble even the hardest of street veterans.

This sort of stuff took time, time he didn’t have.

Instead, he was looking for the quick, fast flick which might separate him from the rest and streamline his career to the top rank.

Some sort of trick, some sort of technology which might short circuit the whole game.


Cassius Select brings the Bass on a new compilation for Bristol label Amity. Featuring alongside the likes of Pluralist and qgb – this one packs a punch, the kind which stings for a while after.

Listen below: