This Week 16/12
“Why was I born with such contemporaries?”-Oscar Wilde
“There are two seasons in Scotland, winter & July” Billy Connelly
“What we call despair is often only the painful eagerness of unfed hope.” George Eliot
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall — think of it, ALWAYS.”-Mahatma Gandhi
“You know the whole world’s fkked when they do away with the ‘holidays are coming coca-cola ad’”
Having barely left the house for roughly a week (part from the wonder of weatherall on sat!) I thought it was about time I made some attempt at dispelling this humbug feeling so we went to get me’s some poundland festive joy! Never lets me down… my jukka plant has never looked so happy…
Have you noticed, there’s been about 650 million xmas parties this week… and I’ve been to none of ‘em (well you probably haven’t noticed I’ve not been to any of em but you may have noticed the amount). Too busy writing meaningless words that no-one ever reads y’see… but all that is about to change this Saturday, when the Ransom Note steps out of it’s pit of misery and resentment to play records at not one but two Xmas parties. First up, The Ransom Note has teamed up with the Land of Kings festival to bring you a joint Xmas party @ the last night ever of the Arcola theatre up on Arcola St, playing host to the likes of Drums of Death, Django Django & Detachments all live plus Dolan from Electric Minds, Us (R$N DJs), LIAD DJs plus a load of other biscuits… entry is free to y’all but by guestlist only… if you’d like to come join us in raising a glass of whatever’s kicking around the floor just drop yer names to and we shall make it so. Check the full event listing elsewhere on this here note. As a pre-cursor to our Xmas party Wil (that’s me) will be dusting down those pieces of xmas black plastic that have lain dormant for a few months now and also spreading the joy of xmas dance @ the Nothing But Us night with the very excellent Ali Renault of Dissident/Cyber Dance fame down the road @ the Junction… that is also a free affair but without the guestlist component… so just wander on in, I’ll be there from 9 like. Oh and check out the rather wonderful new track from Ali Dockland Dirt – pretty massive!
Right enough about me (again!), how about an address to the nation on all things Xmas party related? No? No, I didn’t think my enthusiasm would extend that far… it’s 10.30 and I have to have a light on to work… sorry, S.A.D. what? Sorry to be such a killjoy but it is difficult to hype yourself up into festive cheer when the winter of discontent appears never to end… The “Fib Dems”, Unemployment hits 2.5 million. NHS actually being cut? Really more going back yeah? David “I will not cut NHS spending” Cameron actually, errr… lied? “The Prime Minister was forced to admit his promise to increase health spending was now just a goal.” Oooh a goal eh? My goal is grow 7 ears and be 8 foot tall… well, it’s a goal yknow. Coastguard cuts is one of the best ones I’ve heard recently. As they announce the war on drugs is failing they cut the no. of coastguard stations from 18 to just 3 24 hour ones in the country. Ah I see what you’re doing Cammy Wammy, you’re moving towards a de-criminilastion approach aren’t you? That’s got tory written all over it… “Prohibition drove and funded the mafia – that same prohibitive policy is what drives drugs policies today…” David Nutt. He who voted for them, he is a fool…still, least them poor students won’t be able to go to university eh? Least something good’s come out of all this.
So this week I’ve been thinking about detaching oneself from society… I went to a friend’s bday party on Sat night… OK, admittedly it was early on but close to 90% of the party were sat in the living room watching the X-factor final, whilst I stood in the other room, trying to befriend any one who hadn’t bitten ‘tha factor’ hook, line… which got me thinking how massively out of touch with the run of things I am these days… and I’d def number myself amongst those who paid more than a cursory glance at pop culture… Is it age or is all pop music utter cack at the moment? I did have a go @ watching the apprentice last night… didn’t work. A sea change need to come!
Now, where’s that green ink pen…?
Jesus Wil, pick yerself up. Coffee has made an entrance back into my life after 6 months of abstinence… time to get with the randomness:
The first computer pub in Hackney Wick – from time ago. ta liono.
Google tells me that today is Jane Austen’s 235th birthday… now that I def needed to know.
“You should look up TONTO the worlds biggest synth. it is AMAZING.
The trustworthiness of beards – “you seem to be quite trustworthy, occasioanlly falling into the unsavoury category”
From the Gluerooms from earlier in the month (which I sadly missed) Company Fuck
Also checkCompany Fuck sings You Are So Beautiful
Ice Sculpture – Arctic blast covers lighthouse in ice.
Flexible love – folding chair.
c/o Mr Shephered:
“making google translate read stupid things, although maybe you have played before
click “listen”
and Here
hours of fun”
Turn your entire office into a whiteboard – yeah nice I’ll just do that to my bedroom shall I?
Check no. 24 on here. Bio Robot Refrigerator!
Wouldn’t it be great if one could not spend their entire existence stuck to a computer screen, answering endless meaning emails eh?
Well, now you can… with Saturday brings hope, faith and charity… come join us for dancing and drinking and well, that’ll do for a start, no?
Next week bring festive cheer… I promise! See you Saturday.
If youre interested in getting involved with us, be it writing, stupidness or you simply have something you want to impart to the rest of the world, please get in touch with me here wil
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Must Reads
David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
As a nation, the Irish have always had a profound relationship with the people of Palestine
Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
The Dutch city is in a state of constant revival
Going Remote.
Home swapping as a lifestyle choice
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