Young Marco, HAAi, Or:la, Henry Wu and more announced for Patterns in 2019

Art & Culture

The Brighton based venue has released some of the initial names scheduled to appear early next year as part of their 2019 programme which promises an exciting step forward for dance and electronic music in the city. Names unveiled so far include Ransom Note favourite and Safe Trip boss Young Marco as part of a designated Mr. Bongo event. Or:la will launch a new residency at the club with her first appearance seeing her invite Panorama Bar resident Roi Perez to join her on the night. Other names unveiled include Dj Storm, Frits Wentink and Laurence Guy, Helena Hauff, Honey Dijon, Folamour and London based musician Henry Wu. 

This year has seen the club take a significant step forwards with a reputable series of bookings, collaborations and guests aplenty. Next year looks to be shaping up similarly. 

Full upcoming listings can be found HERE