Premiere: Dices + Aem Rhythm Cascade – Hologram


The flickering light illuminated the forecourt of the airport mall. On the other side of the glass window the engines of flying machines whirred as they prepared to jetset towards destinations unknown. Sunnier climates awaited those who would travel but the hologram would remain a part of this place of departure for as long as days would allow: observed by travellers the world over, it was simply a beam of light in a dim space. Flash, flash, flash.

It is with great pleasure that we are able to introduce to you the first record from the 12th Isle crew: Glasgow upstarts with knowledge which far surpasses our own. For years they have been running parties in the basements of dive bars and beyond, spreading weird and wonderful music with the masses. This year sees them launch their label. Listen to 'Hologram' below:

Follow 12th Isle on Facebook HERE. Pre-Order the release HERE.

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