Phillip Ball Talk: Listening To Music


Scientist Phillip Ball’s latest work explores human being’s need for and reaction to music.

Ball is a freelance science writer. He worked at ‘Nature’ for over 20 years, first as an editor for physical sciences and then as a Consultant Editor. His writings on science for the popular press have covered topical issues ranging from cosmology to the future of molecular biology.

Ball believes that we are all much more musical than we tend to recognize or acknowledge.

For centuries we’ve understood that it lies at the origins of distinctly human culture – or at least at the heart of our attempt at self-definition. It separates us from animals. And what’s more, to understand it, is ultimately to understand ourselves better.

This event draws on the work of scientists, philosophers, musicologists and musicians, to explore why we listen to music, and more importantly to suggest new ways to listen to music.

Ball will present the talks. Other speakers for the event have been invited by The School of Life to present their own material. Groups are limited to 35 people.

To take part in a talk check the school of life website.