Rotciv’s ‘Shine A Light On’ Mix

Rotciv's influences run deep, his label Mister Mistery is testament to this as it fuses the classic influences of house music alongside modern day electronic music sensibilities. He has been producing and djing for twenty years now and has released music from the likes of Massimiliano Pagliara, Discodromo and Marius Vareid. His latest release features on the Sprechen label where he steps up to remix a track originally produced by Chris Massey. This mix itself is energetic, driven and guiltily ravey. It makes for a highly danceable hour and is guaranteed to have your head nodding and feet tapping. Trust us. Listen and read the interview below:
Please introduce yourself…Who are you? Where are you? What are you?
Hello, my name is Victor, DJing for 20 years now. Brazilian living in Berlin and have been quite lucky to have played in most of the clubs in this city since I arrived as well as many countries in Europe and abroad.
You have a record out for Sprechen, how did that come about?
Everything happened very quick and naturally. Chris Massey the label owner contacted me as he was about to launch a new label and invited me for this remix.
What sort of production gear are you using?
At the moment I am using Ableton Live with some synths (Roland Alpha Juno, Waldorf Pulse 2, Cyclone TT 303, Korg Poly 800, Korg M1, Casio CZ 101) for the drum sounds I am using a roland TR 8 and a lot of samples, which has always been a very important part of my production. And Genelec 6" Monitors. Honestly I would buy a lot more but I don't wanna end up sleeping on them due to lack of space.
Where was the mix recorded?
At the best possible place: my home studio.
What would be the ideal setting to listen to the mix?
Pre, post and during party for sure!
The initial idea was to make something more chilled or full of old references as i normally do on my recorded sets on mixcloud but in the end I could't help myself and threw some dancefloor action all over.
What should we be wearing?
Anything comfortable…From pijamas to your fave clubbing clothes. Fashion is not important here. Just close your eyes, forget your name, forget the world, forget the people.
What would be your dream setting to record a mix: Location, system, format?
I rarely record my gigs and that' s when I have the most fun and do also the best mixes. so yeah, I would say a nice gig in a great sound system in a club I would feel very pleased.
Which track in the mix is your current favourite?
Probably Brassica's remix for "Tunnel Down" by Aimes or Massimiliano Pagliara's "Lost Connection" and of course Chris Massey's "Floor to the Floor" (ROTCIV Remix) which I have tested a couple times and works wonders.
What’s your favourite recorded mix of all time?
Oh, really difficult one as memory is not my best feature… so I will replace for something recent that I loved and it was the latest Mark E for Test Pressing.
If you could go back to back with any DJ from throughout history, who would it be and why?
Larry Levan, Frankie Knuckles, Hacienda DJs, Sasha (back in the days), Timmy Regisford, Derrick Carter, Joey Negro…
What’s more important, the track you start on or the track you end on?
The one you start for sure as well as the following ones. I normally tend to think every track should standout and be catchy somehow.
What were the first and last records you bought?
First was probably Michael Jackson's Thriller and last was The Black Madonna Lady of Sorrows.
If this mix was an edible thing, what would it taste like?
Homemade Lemon Tart and Chocolate Mousse.
If it were an animal what would it be?
A Saturniidae Moth Catterpillar.
One record in your collection that is impossible to mix into anything…?
Oh, I can't remember that many now but "Desire – Don't Call" has its initial beats all messed up and a lot of my disco records that i would't dare to play without Ableton Live's treatment.
Upcoming in the world of…
A couple more remixes and original tracks forthcoming in the next months as well as the relaunch of my own label Mister Mistery
that was sleeping for some months.
Anything else we need to discuss?
Yes, thank you for having me and grab the fresh new Sprechen release right now.
Buy the Sprechen release HERE.
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