This Week… Time, Space And Everything In Between


In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – G Orwell

"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." – J Hendrix

"I don't work at being ordinary." – P McCartney

"I don't know what we're yelling about." – B Tamland

I assume you're all just as obsessed with The Great British Bake Off as I am so, sorry for any spoilers, it's probably no surprise that readers of a certain newspaper weren't happy that it wasn't a white person wot won it.

Here's what happens when you take things out of context, isn't that right Dave? How does it feel mate?

You know, Trevor Noah hasn't been a bad replacement for Mr Stewart…

Right then, shall we just leave the internet to it?

Artistic brilliance…

You've NEVER been as happy as this cat…

Sir, I think your dog may be broken…




I put the voice of Devvo over a goat who's got a one way ticke…

I put the voice of Devvo over a goat who's got a one way ticket to Banter-Ville

Posted by Darlia on Thursday, 8 October 2015

This well never stop being brilliant…


Scientific measurements…

Right then, off to Scotland it is…

Never forget, 3 is the magic number.
