This Week 25/11
Obviously, weve got to stand with our North Korean allies. It was pointed out to her that the U.S. is on the side of the South Koreans and she must have meant South not North. She said: Er, yes. Oooh I love Sarah Palin. Just when you were missing them Bushisms, Sarah pops along. How might one best explain this statement?
“I’m bigger and bolder and rougher and tougher in other words sucker there is no other…”
“I’m here to learn the truth about craig david” nice one fearne.
God tv’s bad isn’t it?! not ‘god tv’… that’s actually quite good. more “God, isn’t tv bad!” i’m sure mcquaid may argue with that… but then he’s called his new night ‘Hausu’. Does Fearne Cotton going out to visit a failing pop star in Miami actually constitute TV? Oh no… it’s ITV2. Actually it’s a bit difficult to call him a failing pop star when he has a jacuzzi with a tv inside it in his penthouse flat in Miami. Seriously tho, if it’s on iplayer or whatever else the hell itv catch up comes on… watch it! it’s amazing!
Ahh you think you’re having a shte morning… then ripped in glasgow come back from the dead and make not just Mr Weatherall’s very, very excellent ‘Music That Made Screamadelica‘ on 6music on Sunday downloadable but then moggie only goes and hits you in the face with an Optimo rip from I Love Techno this year… fkkin massive! Trajectory, up. Oh beg pardon, Weatherall comes courtesy of the very excellent Test Pressing… “While on the subject of Weatherall someone has started a group to get the BBC to give him John Peels slot on Radio 1. As Ashley Beedle says, Andrew Weatherall taking over the John Peel slot would be so natural and so righteous this man has knowledge, scope, a deep love of music and is one of the great raconteurs of our generation. Come on people lets make this happen before Andrew decides to turn left!! Click here to make your like heard.” Thankyou Test Pressing and thank you for the image this week too.
Oh and I suppose I’ve already told you with A Night With… Mr Weatherall next month have I? Oh I haven’t?! Well, best check the preview below for where to get yer ticket…eh eh!
Computer problems this morning has hampered my delivery of this communication of nonsensical proportions till now… my processor sends it’s apologies… i am ill, my body sends its apologies too.
‘Rioting students‘… again! To be fair the kids they interviewed with massive great clubs in their hands looked far from student-like. ‘Just up for a ruck mate innit.’
The apprentice? mmm no… pete andre: the next chapter? mmm no… i’m a celebrity… mmmno, oh hang on i appear to have watched that… when i heard on the radio “sean ryder and nigel havers have struck up a bit of a friendship”… i had to have little ole peek! “I will hang out with Ryder” nigel & sean passing the pipe… massive.
“The absurdity of bottled water… half the world is dying of thirst and yet we use 2 bottles worth of water trying to make one bottle of ‘bottled’ water …” very interesting documentary on bottled water last night too. Ooh didn’t he do well with the box he so loves to despise!
Take That – biggest selling album of the last 13 years… 520,000. Sold more than the whole top 10 last week put together!! Jesus! Heard they’ve gone all experree men al mate.
Snow soon come? is it boring, obsession or disease to talk about the weather all the time… copy, that’s what it is mate!
More from the fantastic DJ Tendraw in the form of Spaceship Earth Assemblage #01. Massive. Next gluerooms on 4th Dec. See preview below innit.
“The only good thing to come out of will and kate;’s wedding… a holiday!!” Wills & Kate are only going to last 7 years. Sure everyone’s already seen this little them there spoof but I’ll post it anyway… very funny, very juvenile!
Rather nice little out of office I received last week: “I no longer work for **** – any **** queries please address to **** Tel: 0208***** All other queries, won’t be address by me haha i’m freeeeeeeeeeeeeee”
Michael Jackson Experience on Nintendo wii… now that actually looks amazing. I may actually have to buy a wii. But yeah on the flip, let’s rape the dead man for all we can… Have you checked the MJ site? All the videos in one place… tho with adverts. Hmm, maybe back to youtube we go.
Flying snakes.
Odd lifelike people in strange places.
Dali takes his anteater for a walk
Bit of a weatherall issue all round this week eh… i’m going to get meself down to olympia tomorrow and get meself in by fair means or foul… screamadelica, it will be mine… mine i tell you!! Then off to the enormity of Simian Mobile Disco in a dark archway down southwark mate… smash it.
Right, i’m off to get hold of me’s ‘now that’s what i call christmas’… I just seen on the telly… ooh I’m so excited I may wee meself.
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Must Reads
David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
As a nation, the Irish have always had a profound relationship with the people of Palestine
Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
The Dutch city is in a state of constant revival
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Home swapping as a lifestyle choice
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