London Borough Of Culture Initiative Announced

Art & Culture

The London Borough Of Culture Initiative has been launched by mayor Sadiq Khan. The initiative will see the 32 London boroughs bid for funding for cultural events. If they are succesful they will then put forward a plan that will demonstrate how they will "make culture an intergral part of the future of their borough".

The initiative aims to bring the local communities together, as well as celebrating local artists and exisitng cultural landmarks. It also aims to celebrate "the unique and distinctive creativity, character and diversity of London’s people and places".

Two winning boroughs will be announced in February for 2019 and 2020. The initiative will be supported by £300,000 in funding from City Bridge Trust. The Barbican, the Museum of London and The Roundhouse are amongst the institutions who will be providing support to the boroughs. The Heritage Lottery Fund and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation will work alongside the winners to help secure etxra funding. £600,000 will be awarded to six boroughs who don't.

Khan said: "Culture is the DNA of our city. It has the power to transform communities and to bring people closer together."

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