Premiere: DVS NME – Mission To The Sun


It was the first day the sun had shone down on the small village this year. The train station normally lay dormant throughout the winter months but spring was upon us now and people were bustling about finding their way to escape. A man stood outside the entrance tapping his foot impatiently. He was eager to leave this place too, he needed to explore. There was no time to waste, he was on a mission to the sun.

Dark Science Electro boss DVS NME delivers a full lengther on his first release since 2014. Self-released, the album comes with 15 tracks that pay tribute to the traditional musical scales of Asian countries like Japan and China. The title of the album is a not-so-subtle nod to electro pioneers Kraftwerk's 1977 'Trans Europe Express' and musically relies on the classic sounds of electro machines like the Mono/Poly, Jupiter-8, TR-808 and more. Dark Science Electro is a weekly radio show and daily blog that has been a part of the electro community for a decade; here he shares electro-affiliated news, art, mixes, albums and more.