Premiere: Circula – The Haze (Tokyo Wax)


Life wouldn't be any fun if everything we did and everyone we knew was squeaky clean, that's why we need to indulge in something with some scuzzy undertones every once in a while to make sure that our daily routine doesn't become a bore. By stepping out of the clean, filtered air and into 'The Haze' we can give our body that much-needed injection of something from the wrong side of the tracks.

The deep, unending darkness that you can find – if you know where to look for it – doesn't bring the despair that you might think, in fact it gives us a much needed balance between light and dark that's necessary for even the most basic survival. So knock over a chair or two, put your middle finger up at a priest and descend into Circula's world of 'The Haze'

But don't actually put your middle finger up at a priest, that would just be rude;

Lunar Visions is out on 12th October via Tokyo Wax.