Premiere: Cassini – Lemsippin’ (Tessier-Ashpool)


Lemsippin': That thing we all do on a Friday night when we realise that all our friends have ditched us and that there's nothing better to be done than to binge on as much Lemsip as possible. We're talking an all out binge, going even crazy enough to have mixed up all the different flavours into one giant mug.

If you've had a particularly testing day it might be worth investing in approximately 12.4 packets, emptying them all out into your bathtub and bathing your body in the sweet, sinus-cleansing goodness. When you're done with all that, or for those of you with social lives whenever you're ready, get these new sounds from Cassini down you.

They'll sort you out quicker than you can scream "I'VE GOT LEMSIP IN MY EYES!!!"

Fermi is out on 24th August via Tessier-Ashpool.