Premiere: Bruno Pronsato Presents Archangel- L.A. Teen (Oliver Coates Version)


Despite the name LA Teen, this Oliver Coates remix of Bruno Pronsato seems far more suited to the enveloping grey of the London's November sky. With Coates' mournful cellos giving way to half heard vocal garbles and looping, blues infused percussion reminiscent of Underworld's Second Toughest in the Infants, LA Teen flits between the demands of techno and neo-classical with ease, existing in a world both nervy and curiously warm. Best listened to whilst wrapped up tightly indoors, staring out at the brittle branches of winter trees.

The remix is taken from Bruno Pronsato's forthcoming EP Archangel – The Bedroom Slant Versions, an accompaniment to Pronsato's 2014 debut album Archangel. Tracklisting on the EP runs as follows:

1. Blue Eyes Blind/This Romance

2. Half-Man Half-Lisa
    (Peter Gordon Version)
3. Julia (Dean Blunt "On, Wine,
       Hashish and Molly" Version)
4. L.A. Teen (Live)
    (Oliver Coates Version "X")

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