Premiere: Dan Wild – Lost In The Fog


The room was hot and crowded, an assortment of shadows and shapes moved like distant silhouettes in the flickering glow of flashing lights and wobbling flares. Smoke passed through the dark warehouse slowly, it hung thick in the air like the morning dew and added a mysterious texture to the proceedings. Dancers came and went, people moved to and fro backwards and forwards in time with the music which weaved and wandered upon a musical journey like no other. He watched on from the sidelines, breathing it all in and readying himself for the night ahead. For soon he would be lost in the fog, a mysterious shadow like all the rest. 

Dan Wild is set to release a new EP on Just Jack, a rough and ready EP which sits well with the eclectic, enthusiasm associated with their longstanding party series. This one goes down a treat. 

Listen below: