We Actually Like…


At Ransom Note, it's been said we're miserable. With glasses half empty, permanently fixed hues of grey gloom across our faces and things constantly fading to black we thought it was high time to alert everyone to what does bring us (some very occasional) joy. So here's the first in a regular weekly series of track selections. Enjoy!

HEADMAN: BE LOVED (Murphy Jax Remix)
I missed this when it was released. Blame the deluge of other rubbish I was bothering myself with. Very foolish of me as, all along; huge piano chords, dainty vocal inflections, a beatific and Mr Fingers-esque expanse and Murphy living up to the latter part of his pseudonym. All condensed into just under five minutes. ‘Jax’ jacks as well as any Chicago veteran. Tim

Makoto – Skyline – Apollo Records
So many synth arps, it's like having an electro mechanical bubble bath. Makoto's been doing his drum and bass thing forever, but this is much more like it – a hark back to the arpeggio-obsessed wonder years of the early eighties, it comes across like a Jean Luc Ponty record on steroids. Joe

D-R-U-N-K with MARSEILLE – I Dont Need To Sleep (Marseille Night Remix)
I don't need to eat 
I don't need to sleep 
I am not hungry 
I am not ugly 
I don't need to work 
I don't need network 
I have no money 
I am not lonely

Cool, but what's your music sound like? We're not allowed to be negative in this column so I'm heading straight for the Marseille Night remix which comes through like the sort of Drexciyan/Clone electro that never fails to sound like the future to these ears. Russian rising star Marseille puts forth 'futuristic, post apocalyptic interpretations of robotic desires'… yes, yes he does. Wil