Sutja’s Metaphysical Circus #16
It’s official
the mechanics of Romance bore me
couples bore me
and the whole machinery of love
makes me feel sick as hell
a thousand polyamorous folks
committing suicide
in the name of Eros
They don’t call it lovesickness for nothing!
large secretions of dopamine
and watery semen
and when I die
I’ll bury myself
and none of this will matter
and someday we’ll understand
that life is a privilege
humans share genes with all living organisms
and I am wondering
how does a living thing become a fossil?
damn, I love life
I love you.
– “Healing” by Sutja Gutierrez.
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Bruce Haack is one of those characters you need to know and discover at some point of your life, a true artist and a wonderful visionare – works like ‘Electric Lucifer’, ‘Haackula’ or ‘Farad’ are authentic masterpieces.