Influences: Timo Maas & James Teej

A few weeks have now passed since a mysterious white label began to appear in a select range of record stores. Emblazoned simply with a stamp of Sir Paul McCartney's face there was very little clue or hint as to whom was behind the release, where it had come from and why? It is only now that we have now found the responsible culprits. Timo Maas and James Teej first discovered the obscure 1985 rendition featuring dear old Paul many years ago, they have since reworked it into a club ready anthem. We caught up with the pair to talk musical heritage and roots. Here are their influences…
Buy the release HERE.
TIMO: When I remember the very early days, me as a teenager…there were a few music works that completely and drastically opened up my mind. Maybe the strongest influence over a period of times was Jean Michel Jarre with his first 3 albums OXYGENE, EQUINOX and MAGNETIC FIELDS. That was really the first time i got completely lost in “space“…those synth…the sound and “room“ in the music that gave that spaced out feeling really sharpened my senses for electronic music.