8 Tracks: Reasons To Keep Moving Forward With Dan Curtin

Dan Curtin’s techno pedigree goes very deep indeed. Starting out in Cleveland Ohio, he was inspired by the first wave of Techno and his productions quickly found outlets on the likes of Detroit’s 33RPM and Belgium’s Buzz Records. To this day Curtin has released countless records, always striving for individuality and forward progression, but some of his most iconic and influential releases came from his early works both on his own Metamorphic records and the seminal Peacefrog imprint. So it’s very exciting indeed that Dan will be playing an exclusive live set of his early material at Artefacts on Friday 5th May. In honor of this we jumped at the chance to pick his brain and get 8 tracks that keep him moving forward.
Get tickets to see the live show HERE and check the Facebook event HERE
This is probably my favorite Dilla beat if there can be such a thing, the bassline, the touches of strings, the otherworldly atmosphere, and that groove. It’s why, in my opinion, J Dilla is the best producer of all time of any type of music. I could put this on repeat for hours…I think I’ve actually done that before, in headphones, falling to sleep.