Yasmin Finish Line


Theres been a movement to suggest this tune is good; maybe because Labyrinth (he of Pass Out fame) is behind the production, maybe because- actually, no. Theres literally no other possible reason for this track to be feted. Its shit. Its utterly bland, and entirely unconvincing. Its as insubstantial, and yet disconcertingly unpleasant, as eating a beansprout carved from shaving foam. There is no need for a coffee table revival. There is no need for the charts to swing to the high beige buzz of Yasmin. The only people that need this crap are ad executives pushing worthless lifestyle products to gullible morons with too much, yet still not enough. If you havent guessed, I really dont like it. Poly Styrene is dead and weve got this fuckeries instead.

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