The Greatest House Records Of All Time, On A Poster


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Back in 2008 Miles 'Thunder' Simpson, writing for the much missed Faith/ Strobelight Honey fanzine, put together a poll of the greatest house records of all time. The poll was a response to a Radio 2 list of the greatest dance music of all time that had next-to-no house records- to redress this monumental balls up, Miles asked the bitchy, bickering fanatics who made up Faith's readership to name their definitive 100 house bangers.

Now the list – which still holds up a few years on- has been turned into a quite charming graphic and converted into a poster, available in A2, A1 and A0 sizes from Faith, or to be picked up from the nice chaps at Hackney's Love Vinyl – You can get your orders in here , and take a look at what your getting below, and perhaps even listen to a bunch of the records in the mix beneath the image…