Karachi Electronica Producer Nawksh Releasing Debut Album


Hailing from Pakistan’s capital Karachi, Nawksh is video game developer & producer Danial Hyatt, regarded as one of the most important and adventurously weird musicians within the growing Karachi underground scene. Set in a future fantasy world called CERATYL, Nawksh’s debut physical LP, 'Mythic Tales of Tomorrow II' will be released in August. That fantasy world, CERATYL, is a place Hyatt keeps private, though he expresses it both musically and through game & comics. One project called "MAAL” was showcased at the Creative Karachi Festival and featured blind clay capsules, which people could buy for 500 Pakistani Rupees each. The only way to get to the contents was to smash them open, and inside was an assortment of goodies, including a download code for one of his EPs called "NUMBSKULL" and a small comic book. Nawksh will play his first live show outside Pakistan at this year’s Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia.

Nawksh – Mythic Tales Of Tomorrow II is released by Guruguru Brain on 19th August 2016 and can be pre-ordered HERE. He will play at Liverpool International Festival of Psychedelia on 23rd September 2016 and further info can be found HERE.

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