Ifan Dafydd Returns With New Single – Preview Clip


After impressing all and sundry with the 2012 EPs Treehouse and To Me, the young Welsh producer Ifan Dafydd has spent the last year remixing and collaborating woth other artists. He's now finally set for a solo return, last week posting a short clip of his new single  Eclipse to his facebook page:



Having been privy to a full promo of Eclipse, take our word for it – it's been worth the wait. Dafydd's latest is a sweet, melodic breeze of melancholy, and furthers the case that he may well be the natural successor to Four Tet. The track is set for release on December 1st through Push & Run Records – keep an eye on Dafydd's facebook for further clips. Remind yourself of warping jazz of Dafydd's Treehouse debut below –