Caribou – Live

I first heard this dude years ago when he was known as Manitoba, and then completely forgot about him until I heard Caribou recently and made the link. The most recent album, Swim, got played a fair bit round R-i-G towers when it came out, so I thought I’d check out what he sounded like live before getting a ticket to the gig at the ABC with Four Tet. He seems to be disregarding most of his back catalogue and concentrating on the recent album. Fair enough – that’s what most folk will know him for, I suppose.
Quality-wise, this is pretty good, if a wee bit bass-heavy. Nothing that a wee bit of fannying about with your equalisers won’t sort out though. The band’s sounding excellent live as well – much more up my street than I thought they might be.
Righto, may as well get those tickets then. A mere 15.50 plus tax and you get Four Tet, James Holden, Nathan Fake and Rocketnumbernine chucked in as well…
Link via RIG blog:
Caribou – Grappa’s Cellar, Hong Kong – 1 July 2010
1 – Leave House
2 – Kaili
3 – Melody Day
4 – Found Out
5 – Bowls
6 – Odessa
7 – Bees
8 – After Hours
9 – Hannibal
1 – Jamelia
11 – Sun
12 – Barnowl
- Content kindly supplied from the brilliant Ripped In Glasgow blog. Check the blog for much more of the same and a lot of different good stuff.
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