Udacha: ‘Flavour Of The Label’ Mix

Occasionally one slips through the cracks and stumbles upon something beautiful. Udacha is the definitive example of such a situation. Around the middle of last year an odd email chain led us to the introduction of what would go on to become one of the most interesting up and coming record labels of the moment. The music they have released so far speaks for itself, ambient orientated with a balearic edge and eclectic design. It is paired with beautiful drawn imagery and representation, iconic and understated.
There is little back story, little information and little explanation as to the roots of this crew. Many of the artists whom have appeared on the label maintain low profile stature and continue to surprise.
We asked the label to contribute to our mix series, listen and read the interview below:
Please introduce yourself… Who are you, where are you and what are you?
Planet earth based producer A5. Member of the universe as we all are.
What does your music sound like? Can you draw what you think it sounds like for us (an image from the old internet is acceptable)?
Some sort of dreamy stuff I guess.
What was the inspiration behind Udacha?
All sort of all unusual, strange and beautiful things.
What are you looking for when signing a release to the label?
Warm, psychedelic, esoteric, dreamy stuff.
Where was the mix recorded?
At my home studio in Moscow.
What would be the ideal setting to listen to the mix?
Night. Big pool in the wild forest. Candles everywhere. No people. Good sound.
What should we be wearing?
Swimming shorts with print “Udacha”.
What would be your dream setting to record a mix: Location, system, format?
Moon. Great view for our planet. 2x technics 1210, mixer, records, good sound system.
Which track in the mix is your current favourite?
Planetary Peace – Country Of Love
What’s your favourite recorded mix of all time?
Mmm.. It’s difficult to say. For example I really love all mixes what our friends recorded for us, for “Udacha Mixtapes”. Already timeless recordings for me.
If you could go back to back with any DJ from throughout history, who would it be and why?
I would choose to play back to back with my close friends. It’s always a big pleasure.
What was your first DJ set up at home and what is it now?
My first dj set up was: 2x turntable Gemini PT-2000 + dj mixer Kam Kmx100
And now: 2x technics 1210 + pioneer djm400
What’s more important, the track you start on or the track you end on?
More important is every track.
What were the first and last records you bought?
Cant remember about first, sorry. But the last was Francis Bebey – Psychedelic Sanza
If this mix was an edible thing, what would it taste like?
It would taste like feijoa.
If it was an animal what would it be?
Pallas's cat
One record in your collection that is impossible to mix into anything…
I really like to mix that kind of records. So everything is possible..
Upcoming in the world of Udacha
We have very special upcoming LP release on our label, by Moscow based group “S A D” which will be out in february. Dedicated for all “another dimension” lovers, like we are.
Follow Udacha on Facebook HERE.