Ralphi ‘Rockin’ Rosario & Julian ‘Jumpin’ Perez – WBMX mix ’87-’88


Wow! Here's a belter of a mix taken from Ralphi 'Rockin' Rosario & Julian 'Jumpin' Perez's WBMX radio in Chicago around 1987-88 – you should know what to expect, but often expectations fall short here that's not the case. So many classics on there, but if only there was a tracklist to accompany… you can find more of this thing over at the ever expanding archive that is Deep House Pages.

Ralphi 'Rockin' Rosario & Julian 'Jumpin' Perez – Chicago WBMX mix (1987-88)



Re-posted from the excellent bloghttp://moveyourfeettothebeat.blogspot.com/