Minou Oram: The ‘Monday Is Okay’ Mix
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This tale begins with such an introduction as that is exactly what Hannah did and here she is presenting a rather special edition of the 'Monday Is Okay' mix for us. As a dj, producer and writer she draws upon a wealth of musical influences and tends to channel her sound through the murky abyss of IDM, Wave, Cosmic, Psychedelic, EBM, Industrial, Field Recordings and more. She hosts a monthly show on the Lyon based radio station LYL and works as the founder of Femdex which is described as a "proactive venture to support diversity and female identified artists in the electronic music scene."
Her sound is broad and beautiful, a world away from the norm and a lovely introduction to the week.
Listen and read the interview below:
Please introduce yourself… Who are you, where are you and what are you?
My name is Hannah, I make music under the moniker Minou Oram.I am a trained psychologist and currently based in my birthtown at the Lake of Constance as I just returned from an one year journey through South East Asia, Australia and North Africa. Before that, I was living in Vienna and will soon move to Berlin. I am the founder of femdex, a proactive venture to highlight female identifying artists in electronic music and host of the monthly radio show SVVENIR for LYL radio. Also, I like to collect stones, record noises with my field recorder, have hikes and stroke cats.
What does your music sound like? Can you draw what you think it sounds like for us (an image from the old internet is acceptable)?
Where was the mix recorded?
Partly in Berlin, partly in the Austrian alps.
What would be the ideal setting to listen to the mix?
On a journey or in anything that moves and you can watch the world passing by.
What should we be wearing?
Something comfortable, warm socks, decent headphones.
What would be your dream setting to record a mix: Location/system/format?
In a rain forest or a cave, 3 CDJs, 1 Turntable, L-Acoustics 112P speakers, lots of friends and ginger beer.
Which track in the mix is your current favourite?
To dance to: Parrish Smith – Mute
To dream to: Sophia Loizou – Order of Elements
What’s your favourite recorded mix of all time?
Around 80 % percent of the music I listen to are actually mixes, so it’s really hard to choose just one favourite. But to name some I keep go back listening:
Agnes Aves – The Femdex Podcast #9
Eva Geist – Strelka Mix
Misonica – Misonica Says Yes
Wolf Müller – The Ransom Note Mix
What was your first DJ set up at home and what is it now?
Then: A Vestax VCI-100 Controller.
Now: Pioneer DJM 250-K mixer and two RP-7000 Turntables.
What’s more important, the track you start on or the track you end on?
The track I start on.
What were the first and last records you bought?
First: Lives of Angels – Elevator to Eden (Dark Entries Records)
Last: Iona Fortune – Tao Of I (Optimo Music)
If this mix was an edible thing, what would it taste like?
Like a ginger root.
If it was an animal what would it be?
A cat.
One record in your collection that is impossible to mix into anything?
I think that no track is impossible to mix if you choose the right track before or take technically perfect transitions not too seriously.
Follow her on soundcloud HERE. Photograph courtesy of Jojo Gronostay.
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