Jimpster – The Ransom Note Mix

We've been admirers of Jimpster from afar for many a year. He's spent a solid two decades remixing and DJing, playing in the sadly now defunct The Bays, run his very own Freerange Records for 15 of those, as well as the offshoot, yet equally as interesting Delusions of Grandeur on the side. He's probably not someone who gets to spend an awful lot of time putting his feet up with a nice brew but his hard work certainly pays off as there's a mighty fine selection of records with his name attached to them in some form or another. In one of his brief, quieter moments we manged to cajole Jimpster into putting together a nice juicy Ransom Note mix for you to slip into as if it were a warm bath, filled to the brim with scented bubbles.
Whack this on and drift away on the good ship Jimpster – he's even answered a bunch of questions if you're feeling a little curious;
Where was the mix recorded?
I made the mix in my studio here in deepest, darkest Essex.
What would be the ideal setting to listen to the mix?
The mix ended up being on a mellow tip so lets say this one should help ease you into some summer vibes quite nicely. It's a mix of old and new so hopefully some new discoveries on there and one that you can enjoy on your next plane, train or automobile journey.
What should we be wearing?
I'm getting slightly disturbing images of all Ransom Note followers in smoking jackets and speedos with a glass of single malt coming to mind. Half David Lynch, half Hugh Hefner.
What would be your dream setting to record a mix: Location/system/format.
A hot spring halfway up Mount Fuji with a Urei mixer, Klipschorn speaker system and Technics decks. That'll do me nicely thanks. When are you sending me?
Which track in the mix is your current favourite?
Dan Shake & Medlar – Walk.
What’s your favourite recorded mix of all time?
I always find myself heading to DJ Nature if I need a great mix. His End Of Year mixes are always spot on and this one is a particular favourite;
If you could go back to back with any DJ from throughout history, who would it be and why?
Does everyone always say Ron Hardy? I never got the chance to see or hear him live but listening to recorded mixes and having read so much about his approach and the scene as it was in those early days of House music it would be the most ridiculous experience to see him at work. Complete craziness and such a mixture of music with the soul purpose being to make people freak out and dance their arses off.
What was your first DJ set up at home and what is it now?
First DJ set up was a Technics SL-B100, Yamaha belt drive deck and Phonic Mixer. Now I have an SL1200 Mk2, Vestax PDX2000 and A&H Xone22.
What’s more important, the track you start on or the track you end on?
If it's at a gig then I think it's the first track. Most people are so wasted by the end of the night that they'll hardly remember the last track! If it's a recorded mix then I think both are equally important to set the tone and to leave some kind of impression and feeling.
What were the first and last records you bought?
First record bought was the Streetsounds Electro 1 Compilation. Last record was Omar-S Sidetrakx Vol 3.
If this mix was an edible thing, what would it taste like?
Green Tea Ice Cream.
If it was an animal what would it be?
A Bearded Dragon.
One record in your collection that is impossible to mix into anything?
Pretty much anything by Max Graef. Damn Dilla-esque wonky house beats. Love them though so I'll keep trying!
Upcoming in the world of Jimpster?
Just finished a new Jimpster EP called English Rose which should be out end of July. Mad busy with both labels with some lovely releases from Uffe, Ben Sun and Toby Tobias all about to drop on Delusions Of Grandeur and a new single from Detroit Swindle coming on Freerange. Also got stuff in the pipeline from Pittsburgh Track Authority and Andre Lodemann too.
Come and see us do our Freerange thing this Saturday at Fabric Room 3 with myself, Matt Masters and Manuel Tur playing a live set.
Freerange takeover Room 3 at Fabric this Saturday
Pamoram – 1212121212 – Firecracker
Billy Cobham – Sea Of Tranquility – Atlantic
Saine – Scenes – Fools & Fables
Wayne Snow – Rosie (Hurbert Daviz remix) – Tartelet
Tim Toh – Tourist – Ornaments
Kevin Moore – Speak Your Mind (Nebraska Edit) – Unreleased
Ben Sun – Special 4U – Delusions Of Grandeur
Daniel Wang – Free Lovin' – Balihu
Ken Gill – Love Moon – Alleviated
Soulphiction – Lone Sun – Roundabout Sounds
Mike Clark – Lafayette Groove – Third Ear
Omar S – Faahhuuuuuu – FXHE
Pittsburgh Track Authority – Levitate – Pittsburgh Tracks
Pal Joey – Pulling A Cat Out Of A Hat – Loop D' Loop
Dan Shake & Medlar – Walk – Delusions Of Grandeur
DJ Gregory – It Feels – Basic
Joseph Malik – Take It All In (Aqua Bassino's Grrove Mix) – Compost
Modler – Island Life – Dubsided
Ralph Towner – Sand – ECM
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