This week in scarfolk,MAKING BORIS POPULAR,TRiple dips & hot air


“Hot air is useful” – David Shrigley 

“London Mayor Boris Johnson is spending 160,000 of taxpayers money to learn why more Londoners dont think hes listening to them. Details of the research project are outlined here by the Greater London Authority. 

The aim of the 160,000 research project is increase the perception that the Mayor listens to the views of London and to raise awareness, knowledge and therefore satisfaction with the mayor

“A review of existing research indicates that there is a reduction in the number of 
Londoners feeling informed about the work of the Mayor of London and the 
Greater London Authority, (37% felt informed in 2007 v.s 20% feeling informed  in 2011, Source Annual London Survey.)” IPB

“Cynical passivity is the problem. Nothing less than a basic quality of life is the prize and the end.” J.D. Taylor.

“Debt is owed nowhere and to no-one: where exactly is financial capital? Since 1971 there has been no physical grounding for money…”   J.D. Taylor.

“More wealth leads to greater efficiency and greater innovation and basically all good things. Wealth, money, privatisation, free markets.” from The Yes Men

Sorry I painted the word ‘twat’ on your garage door.

David Shrigley
“The simplification of life is one of the steps to inner peace. A persistent simplification will create an inner and outer well-being that places harmony in one’s life.” None of that happening round here anytime soon!

Narrowly missed that Triple Dip eh Georgie? Good work lad… you must be proud. 

“While ordinary London families are stuck on waiting lists for council houses, wealthy private landlords have bought 6,180 of the south London borough’s 15,874 council homes, the union says.

And many of these homes are owned by the same private landlord. Research found that one private landlord owned 93 ex-local authority homes and another owned 32. Almost 1,000 landlords owned more than one.

This means almost 40 per cent of ex-council homes are being rented out to private tenants at a huge profit to the landlords who own them.” Morning Star no less.

“Scarfolk is a town in North West England that did not progress beyond 1979. Instead, the entire decade of the 1970s loops ad infinitum. Here in Scarfolk, pagan rituals blend seamlessly with science; hauntology is a compulsory subject at school, and everyone must be in bed by 8pm because they are perpetually running a slight fever. “Visit Scarfolk today. Our number one priority is keeping rabies at bay.” For more information please reread.

Very, very strange…

Save The Bees

“Free market…  more wealth leads to greater efficiency and greater innovation and basicall all good things. Wealth, money and prosperity…” Full film… amazing!


Obamas 2011 Budget Proposal: How Its Spent. Rectangles in the chart are sized according to the amount of spending for that category. Color shows the change in spending from 2010.

What Does It Mean To Be An American Corporation?

Click the image… play shit! 

ACE OF BASE’S SECRET NAZI PAST… ALl that she wants is another Na… shit, not funny… sorry!

Trendsmap…just what is being talked about… where?



Hypno Disc… man!

?Buddhist Terravada Initiation ceremony in pictures… replete with cats of course… click picture.

Fame at last for McQuaid…and other types of hipsters

From the cat archive

Def worth a punt this…

Stream the Secret Circuit album…
