This Week 7/10
“It’s not just about putting fannys on seats at anfield…” American reporter talking about Liverpool takeover.
“It’s not that I condone facism, or any isms for that matter. Isms in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an ism he should believe in himself.” FB
“My idea is half a pen and half a pencil… i call it the pencil” man on dave gorman the other night.
“I have always been a clown, I have grown up around clowns, my father and my grandfather were clowns and we are not evil.”
“Thank god for dead soldiers…” God hates you.
Oooh, did you feel the chill in the air this morning?! Proper autumnal bite wunnit… that I can deal with, in fact actually quite enjoy. It’s just the fffin rain… still, that’s not here for today. So let us move on…
Glastonbury sells out in a record quick 4 hours, recovered from beefa and my cat has started talking to me again after a fair few days of cold shouldering me on my return… Jesus, some serious ssssh happening in Hungary at the moment. New evidence that ‘being too posh to push‘ is a myth. As Mr Zuckerberg soils his rather expensive pants ahead of the film about him and his empire (previewed here by Mr Raby), fakebook introduces new measures to ‘protect’ your personal data… ahh that’s nice of them isn’t. Nice that they’ve done it on their own accord isn’t it? Kind of horse bolted scenario, no? Yeah I’m just gonna spend half a day of my life re-arranging all my friends… Commonwealth Games opening was quite impressive, considering you were expecting the whole thing to be a massive shambles. Cammy says Your Country Needs You – OK, so it didn’t before no? Bit fair weather innit?
And there ends my rather potted news this week… time for other stuff… and fun! Bit of a long un this week… hope that’s OK?
Right so I were in the Wenlock Arms the other night… and I forgot how much I loved that place. Hands down my favourite pub in London. There’s been lots of talk recently about it closing. But then there’s always talk of pubs closing int there. Much to my sadness I find out it actually kind of, is! Save the Wenlock Arms! Plans from the new owners for the place haven’t been stated as yet but “All is not lost. Or, as the graffiti on the toilet cystern says, nothing lasts but nothing is lost. I write not to bulldoze The Wenlock Arms, but to praise it, and to urge you to visit the place while you can.” Nuff said. Oh and while we’re on the subject Save the 100 club – similar deal really. Get involved.
Lordy, what a good night I (god it’s all about you isn’t it?!) had in fabric last Sat… Hot Natured b2b with Mr Richards in room 3 was mad lots of fun. Julio Bashmore @ Man Make Music earlier was reet lush too.
Did you see Ferris Buellers Day Off last night? Not only has it stood the test of time (pour moi) but I was amazed at how ‘now’ – for a want of a better word – everyone looked in it… from the clothes, music etc… my how we (haven’t) moved on! Sorry, what’s that you say about life being cyclical?
Check the patterns – SU really is quite amazing to brighten up my life.
Mmmwaves and colours… yes for sure
Mmmstaircases – yeah mate, staircases!
Theme park attraction no laughing matter
Moths are wnkrs apparently.
We bin any cat – thanks robert
He took a polaroid, every day until he died
Where i nicked this week’s picture from… ta tom
Lightning, lightning…ooh timelapse lightning too.
Bolivian president knees rival in groin in football match!! He’s an angry fellow isn’t he…
Smoking helps chimps live longer… allegedly! OK, so it doesn’t say that but effectively it has… sort of.
The Good News Network – possible religious undertones – actually, maybe not – nice concept tho.
DJ Beatamaxx – amaaazing!
Christ, excuse the morbidity of this but “brazilian woman cheats death” how the hell do you only survive from this, let alone only with minor injuries!!
Some great anti-drugs videos. Mitchell’s chop chop take (“thanks for that. great times.”), followed by mcquaid’s “this is more my speed”
So, farewell Ms Ryle. Thank you for all you’ve given R$N. Goodbye… but only till next week when her new Maddington Bear blog starts right here… first stop Burning Man in San Francisco. Also, farewell Ripped In Glasgow or RIG to yer mates… you disappeared from my eyes and ears a few weeks back now… and it’s not been the same since! Check some of the recent posts that I’ve managed to salvage on this week’s musings.
Till then, I leave you with a public service announcement via tha Beaumont:
“Mass mailout alert!
I just wanted to drop a line to my nearest and dearest regarding the current licensing consultation that is taking place in Dalston
A lot of people who in the area are unaware that Hackney are trying to curtail the night time economy along the A10 in response to a small (but very vocal) group of local residents. We feel that the opinions of the full range of local opinion should be expressed
If you live in Hackney and think that the night time scene is a valuable part of our local cultural landscape please take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire… Hackney are examining licensing policy in the area and it’s important that the full diversity of local opinion is taken into account!
I should warn you that this survey is very leading! I answered ‘NO’ to most questions and in the comments mentioned the fact that there is plenty of existing legislation to ensure that venues fulfil their responsibilities towards the local community.
Please pass this on to as many people as you can!”
Oh, come to our little night Kezza, Mitch and I are doin daan Junction Rooms on Sat innit… “East Mate, East”
Bye then… yeah, yeah Wil see ya then!
If youre interested in getting involved with us, be it writing, stupidness or you simply have something you want to impart to the rest of the world, please get in touch with me here wil
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David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
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Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
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