Random Slices # 21

Know your Delias from your Daphnes
Nonclassical are great. The brainchild of Gabriel Prokofiev, the clubnight/label/movement has been going strong for a decade now and developing off-shoots in the states, Europe and beyond. They've got a festival on at the moment, Pioneers of Electronic Music, which has featured everything from club nights to talks, workshops to gigs. It draws to a close on Sunday with a day of documentaries at Hackney Picture House with 3 docs featuring the likes of Delia Derbyshire, Stockhausen and Daphne Oram. Get involved.
Lobo collective is a bunch of producers and Djs based in Hackney and its surrounds, who are kicking off a new Friday night shindig at The Russet, part of the Hackney Downs studio complex. The nights are curated by The Russet and Inverted Audio and first up this Friday its Circle Traps. Vinyl is the vibe, the music swings between soul, house, funk and electronica and it should be bloody good. Big people stuff, yknow.
In my opinion the Roy Lichtenstein exhibition at Tate Modern is worth checking out for the sculpture alone. One room of gaudy gold, art deco inspired (at a time when Art Deco was most definitely OUT) abstracted musical instruments completely floored me – beautiful, relatively obscure stuff. Its also good to get up close to the better known stuff too, the intricacy and repetitiveness of the dots in his large pop paintings reminded me of another dot obsessive who recently graced the walls of Tate – Yayoi Kasuma. Good stuff.
Must Reads
David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
As a nation, the Irish have always had a profound relationship with the people of Palestine
Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
The Dutch city is in a state of constant revival
Going Remote.
Home swapping as a lifestyle choice
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