Anthony Burrill: I like it. What is it?

Art & Culture

Celebrating the launch of his new book, I Like It. What Is It? Anthony Burrill presents an exhibition of graphic art, at KK Outlet in Hoxton Square, titled under the same name.

Sometimes the world of graphic art can start to look a bit like the background in a Scooby Doo cartoon – the same thing on repeat which after a while starts to blend into one, however artist Anthony Burrill is making a stand against this mundane artist landscape and is making instantly recognisable and iconic work.

His use of classic letterpress typefaces and devastatingly simple slogans creates work that is exquisitely crafted, profound and playful at the same time. The title of his 2012 project with Mesa & Cadeira “How to say the most with the least” beautifully sums up his approach to work.

For the first time a selection of his best known works have been repurposed exclusively for a new book of posters published by Laurence King. An exhibition showcasing work from the book will run throughout November at KK Outlet. 

For more information you can make the jump over to their site