Greetings From Earth Set For Transition Gallery

Art & Culture

Transition Gallery have a ghostly new experience at the opening of their new exhibition Greetings From Earth. Three artists Micheal O'Mahony, Katherine Tulloh and Jospeh Whitmure will be exhibiting their new collections of work which revolve around an other worldly feel. Katherine's paintings on paper feature scenes of soilders, animals and thickets with a few lovers thrown in, distorted and abstract. Jospeh's films incorporate sound and vision with documentary footage as seen in Witch B1, featured in the above picture for a diverse look into witching culture. Finally, to give a further other worldy expierence Micheal's work depicts cult members, conspiracy theorists and UFO abductees to create a narrative in paint accompanied by an image slideshow, which will get you lost in that childhood dream of being snatched out of your bedroom by a big green alien to be probed. To be honest, it's giving me nightmares already… 

Be prepared to be taken to another world as these three artists display their love for narrative. 

Greetings From Earth runs at Transition Gallery, Unit 25a Regent Studios from the 12th of September to the 11th of October.