This Week… Badgers, Baked Beans And Bad Grammar


“I’ve seen a man die weasel fighting.” – Bernard Leering

"Beans have a soul." – Pythagoras

"Man is the most intelligent of the animals – and the most silly." – Diogenes

This Week will be a whirlwind of the good, the bad and the ugly and the silly and the true and the lies (oh the lies) and of repetition of news from the week and a repetition of news from the week. 

First up is the hard-as-nails UKIP leader, Henry 'Badger Strangler' Bolton. The ex-Lib Dem man has been chatting bare shit, still. Having previously pledged to make his party more professional, he now boasts how he could run across a Devon Moor, capture a Badger and break its neck. A quality I think you’ll find is non-existent in any of the other party leaders.

I mean, haven't you ever wondered why Theresa May was running through a field of wheat? I suspect it’s because she was cete upon by a gang of badgers.

Would Henry be so cocky if he came face to face with this fella' below?

I very much doubt it. That stare. Those traps. That neck.

Breaking from the news slightly this week, we've got a very useful tool for those of you who are concerned that you either were, are or could be a Hurricane.

Are you a Hurricane? You can check using this list below.

Back to the news.

Melania Trump was hungover. Badly. But someone thought it was a government cover-up.

Do you get goosebumps when listening to music? Apparently, this reaction is quite rare and those that can make a physical connection to music have different brain structures to those that don’t. 


If you’ve ever had a picture taken or been in a picture, have you ever done THIS?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what an absolute legends! Kids, eh? Families, eh? Pictures, eh? Cock, eh? Cheeky, eh?

And then there was this.

And last but not least. Beans (no, not pingers), Baked Beans

The city of Birmingham has been revealed as the baked bean capital of Britain. BIGGUPS BRUM!

Here are THE facts.




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