Video Premiere: Watch Spooky J Jam

Spooky J has been part of the Blip Discs family since day one. R$N have an exclusive video of Spooky J playing a live set with a root vegetable kick drum, which has got to be worth a watch, right? Spooky J provides the spookiness on Blip Discs's 4th release Limbo Yam/Pfer which is out now. We also sent some emails back and forth to find out a bit more about Blip Discs – the live instrumentation focused dance music label. Have a read below.
So, how did you guys first meet and how did you come come to appear on the label?
We all met at university in Leeds. After we graduated Tom started the label. One day, whilst he was working on BLIP002, he came into my room and was like 'yo I need some help writing a B-Side! So we wrote "Shekere" together. Tom was always pestering me for music, and when we found the two tracks that were right we went for the release.
Live instrumentation is something which is obviously important to you, how did this interest first begin?
I have always enjoyed manipulating found sounds and drum recordings as you pick up unexpected textures that you wouldn't have noticed if
you hadn't frequency shifted the fuck out of it. I've always wanted to create a live instrument setup where i can do this so i started using contact microphones to isolate my kalimba and send it through my synth. For me i want to be able to have a set up where i can improvise.
Instruments made of vegetables, discuss?
I first saw a Calabash being played by one of Seckou Keita's percussionists. Its made out of dried gourds, a kind of melon, perfect for hiding a kick mic inside and picking up really warm low end thuds. I like using it along with the kalimba as they both have an earthy sound quality to them, rather than a synthesized kick.
Did you guys take inspiration from Herbert and his musical food on vinyl segment?
No, but I looked him up and couldn't come up with any vegetable based puns. Soz!
What is the outlook for Blip Discs?
We recently got back from Uganda where we had the opportunity to collaborate with different artists, so that's inspired us to do more travelling and properly take in the music we have always sampled and loved listening to. Watch this space for sure.
How would you describe the influences of the label?
A lot of influence is taken from experimenting with sampling. Opening your mind to so much music and therefore appreciating certain elements of it even if the rest of the track is shit. Living in Leeds and going to nights (especially the mythical Cosmic Slop) really encouraged me to compose and find ways to make people boogie… or sit n listen to me hit vegetables.
Shout out to Spooky J!
Thanks to Grace Holyoake-Ward for filming the video. Check out Blip Discs on Bandcamp here.