Premiere: Tronik Youth Featuring Justine – Always Waxing (Duncan Gray Remix)


It had been many years since he had lost THAT job. Once honoured with a medal for combat, later a maintenance man, then a doyen of topiary. His warrior summits discarded and disregarded. He had turned his back on his martial prowess, and found peace in music –  his guitar carried a poignant homage to Woody. Since meeting Ray through Linkedin, he had started on a sonic journey, a fresh vocation where he had met beautiful, unanimous souls. He had shared with them his mantra, and together they had refined it's refrain. Now they were always dancing, never complaining.

Tronik Youth featuring Justine's  'Always Waxing' is released on Tici Taci on 26th February 2016. You can pre-order HERE.