Premiere: Teleskop – Eta Carinae (Sparky Remix)

The dark pub grew quiet as the midnight hour approached. Etched above the door were the words "Eta Carinae", nobody knew what they meant but their foreboding presence cast a chill deep into the blackened night. Outside, amidst the streets of Glasgow, crowds had begun to gather triumphantly in proud, righteous protest. The night was very much theirs and the weekend had begun. Those concrete streets would soon be swamped by a merry dance, a beautiful ritual and a joyous regime. There was no town quite like it at night, a tranquil paradise, a wild and chaotic jungle.
2Sox are a label operating out of Glasgow town, a city we have a soft spot for given our editor's roots. Sparky appears on remix duties as he reworks Teleskop's "Eta Carinae". Listen to his interpretation below:
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