Premiere: Severed Heads – Big Blue Is Back

Medical Records are gearing up to release an expanded reissue of Severed Heads' groundbreaking '85 compilation Stretcher. Originally intended as a sampler record designed to introduce American audiences to the pioneering Australian experimentalists, Stretcher ended up being released in 3 different forms with different tracks appearing on the American, Australian and European releases. This new double LP edition collects all the tracks available across all versions, alongside a handful of 12" mixes. There are well established pillars of avant-dance; cuts such as Dead Eyes Opened and Halo, that have been tearing up experimental floors since they were first released- these come alongside some lesser known surprises. The track we premiere today, Big Blue is Back, belongs in the latter camp. It's a rare moment where the band embrace their pop sensibilities and come on like an Antipodean New Order- no bad thing as it happens…
Stretcher – USA Stretched Version is out 3rd June on Medical Records, pre-order here.