Premiere: Rodion – Medusa (Alien Alien Caribbean Dub)

The idea of Medusa being able to turn a man, or indeed woman, to stone is a rather terrifying one. With just one ghastly look this hideous woman can rip every last drop of soul out of your body and leave you feeling as cold as an elephant taking his gap year in Antarctica.
But fear not, this is no such Medusa. No, this 'Medusa' will have you feeling all kids of Caribbean head as the dubby sounds from Rodion give your ears that well-deserved holiday. Coming it at a mammoth ten minutes, these sounds will have you floating on air as your mind drifts to a warmer place. Settle yourself down and prepare to give your ears the holiday they deserve;
Medusa Dub is out on 23rd October via ROCCODISCO.
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