Premiere: Pedro Vian – Flexible Girl (Cardopusher Remix)


She walked amidst the corridors and the back rooms, through the walls she could hear the rumble of the crowd gathered in the tiered seating as they observed some of the finest dancers and gymnasts in the industry. She was nervous, it showed through the tense, precise fashion in which she moved and the grimace on her face as each person passing smiled her way. This was the opportunity of a lifetime, something she had dreamt of with eager excitement since she was very little. However, now as she stood beneath the towering concrete of a fabulous stadium she began to wonder whether she really was the flexible girl and the dancer all those people thought her to be… It was a tall order. 

Pedro Vian is set to release a new album on his own Modern Obscure Music, the Barcelona based producer has a fierce reputation for producing high class electronic music with an individual twist. The package comes with formidable remixes, one of which is from Cardopusher. Listen below: 

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