Premiere: Kato De Vidts – Realm of No Mind


The streets were quiet as he paced the sidewalk with intent, his thoughts were reckless and raced with pace between his ears. One said this, one said that. Little did he know as to which were true and which was false. That was for him to make his own decision upon, here within his realm of no mind. This wasn’t what he’d expected when he’d begun the night, what did he take? How had he got here? Amidst the darkness, confused yet blissful and happy in a bittersweet state of unknowing. 

Kato De Vidts is set to release a new EP on Futurepast, a record label which remains understated yet prominent and critical in its mission. The releases are great, unique and individual. The latest from Kato De Vidts being no exception. 

Listen below: