Premiere: Avsluta – Meditation 18 [On a Summer’s Day]


What next? a tuft of evening primroses, O’er which the mind may hover until it dozes; O’er which it well might take a pleasant sleep, But that ’tis ever startled by the leap, Of buds into ripe flowers; or by the flitting, Of divers moths, that aye their rest are quitting; Or by the moon lifting her silver rim, above a cloud, and with a gradual swim coming into the blue with all her light.”

The mission behind new London label E2-E8 is a simple one: a means to celebrate friendship and share new artists with the world. Their first release calls on the talents of two friends, Netil Radio founder Miro Sundaymusiq and sound artist Avsluta, both of whom offer their own take on soothing and tranquil sounds and the introspective states they stimulate. While Miro takes care of the A-Side with two versions of the same cut—a deep trance excursion and a beatless techno number—Avsluta offers up two ambient Meditations, 03 and 18, both of which are laced with emotive, soaring synths.

Buy HERE. Words by John Keats: ‘Places of nestling green for Poets made.’