First Listen: Madegg – Dragon


Whenever our eye spots an egg that looks even the slightest bit out of the norm, we can't help but start to fantasise about what might be hiding away inside. No, we're not thinking that there might be an emu, kiwi or the like inside BUT of an almighty dragon, just waiting to be trained. Think about the limitless possibilities of being a dragon owner – you'd never get a parking ticket again, you probably wouldn't need to use a toaster and… Alright, we're out of ideas already but there MUST be more.

Though we can't offer you an actual dragon, this pearl from Madegg is a pretty fine substitute and we reckon you're going to love getting your ears all the way around it like a mother to an almighty dragon egg. Get this going and feel the magic running through you;

New is out on 20th November via flau / raum – pre-order your copy here.