Playlist: Music To Cut Hair To with Kerry Jean Lister

A trip to the hair salon is rarely just purely functional. When in the right setting, it becomes a shared and social experience. Hairdressers behave like friends and counsellors. The salon is a place for relaxation, self-reflection and a good ol' conversation.
Therefore, there is nothing more annoying than bad music. OK, the stylist can be forgiven if they have as much personality as a wet blanket, so long as the haircut is to a certain standard, but if I hear them banging an EDM number or the latest pop drivel, it’s just unacceptable. Not only is it an interruption of what we believe the salon atmosphere should be but when you are working up to 12 hours on your feet, do you want to be listening to rubbish? No thank you.
Here at the About This Place, a salon headed by the Hair Mistress, Victoria Saunders has perfected that blend. She cuts the hair of half the DJs in London and apparently the reason they keep coming back, aside from a damn fine haircut and our ability to talk bollocks professionally, is the fact the music is spot on – hence being asked by R$N to compile a fortnightly feature for them. Music To Cut Hair To, a selection of some great music played in the salon alongside some appearances from friends…
"This months 'Music to cut hair to’ is by the very wonderful Kerry Jean Lister. Kerry and I have a lovely friendship which has grown over the years.
I love her searing honesty about everything, her love of music and her delightful sense of humour. I wish we lived closer to drop in, have a cup of tea and have a full on debrief of things but oddly Twitter helps..
I am so chuffed with her very sexy playlist. Some seriously HOT tunes in there. Her Q&A answers are everything that i love about her. See above. Her super power actually made me cry. That's a first for that question.
So without further ado Kerry Jean Lister, you sexy thang… x"
1.When were you at your happiest?
I’m generally a pretty happy person, but particularly so when surrounded by my friends and family on the beach, drinking cold beer and watching the sun go down.
2. What’s your greatest fear?
When you have children they immediately become a conduit for all your hopes, dreams and fears.
3. Who do you admire?
Dolly Parton. Her Imagination Library has sent 120million books to children all over the world.
4. What trait do you deplore in yourself/ other people?
In myself – impatience. In others – bigotry.
5. What’s your worst habit?
6. Favourite word?
Cunt (sorry Jim)
7. Who would you like to say sorry to?
I’m pretty good at apologising as and when necessary (see above)
8. Who do you despise?
I don't despise anybody. I used to – somebody who gave me a very good reason to despise him – but he’s dead. Shame. Loads of people get on my tits – Ricky Gervais, Lena Dunham, Tories, Julian Assange – but it’s not quite the same thing is it really?
9. Who or what is the love of your life?
Jim, George, Sonny, Marvin, my girls, Prince.
10. What would improve your life?
All our mates moving to Hove.
11. Worst job you have ever done?
Probably bar maid. I loved it at times, but the constant pawing and inappropriate comments from drunk dickheads became tiresome.
12. What’s your greatest achievement?
Surviving my childhood.
13. What keeps you awake at night?
See answer to Q2.
14. How would you like to be remembered?
15. What lessons has life taught you?
Don’t let your past define you. And don’t be a dick.
16. What would your super power be?
I’d quite like to be able to heal people.
17. Favourite smell?
The sea, and Maya Njie “Les Fleurs” perfume.
19. Who would play you in a film?
Maxine Peake. I wouldn't trust anybody else to get the accent right.
19. What song would you like played at your funeral?
Sunbear – Let Love Flow For Peace
20. Top tip?
Cook potato waffles in the toaster.
21.Tell us a secret…
I’m writing a book.
Come along and see me play records alongside my pals Suze Rosser, Queenie & Wildblood at Club Barbra on (Good) Friday April 19th at the West Hill Tavern in Brighton. And for a taste of the kind of music played, you can catch me on the radio with my Feel Up Radio Show – broadcasting on 1BTN every second and fourth Wednesday of the month…
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