Playlist: Music To Cut Hair To with Brydie

A trip to the hair salon is rarely just purely functional. When in the right setting, it becomes a shared and social experience. Hairdressers behave like friends and counsellors. The salon is a place for relaxation, self-reflection and a good ol' conversation.
Therefore, there is nothing more annoying than bad music. OK, the stylist can be forgiven if they have as much personality as a wet blanket, so long as the haircut is to a certain standard, but if I hear them banging an EDM number or the latest pop drivel, it’s just unacceptable. Not only is it an interruption of what we believe the salon atmosphere should be but when you are working up to 12 hours on your feet, do you want to be listening to rubbish? No thank you.
Here at the About This Place, a salon headed by the Hair Mistress, Victoria Saunders has perfected that blend. She cuts the hair of half the DJs in London and apparently the reason they keep coming back, aside from a damn fine haircut and our ability to talk bollocks professionally, is the fact the music is spot on – hence being asked by R$N to compile a fortnightly feature for them. Music To Cut Hair To, a selection of some great music played in the salon alongside some appearances from friends…
"This little firecracker has been in my life for quite a while now. My first memory of her was in the phone shop in Ibiza and I remember thinking she looks alright. Cut to 12 years later and not only does she play the best music for me, I cut her hair and we take lovely chats & walks together. It’s the little things. At this stage I am also gonna add that she knows how to party. Our paths have crossed at many an after party in the past too… So without further ado, Miss Brydie Tong. Touching Q&A and a scorcher of a playlist."
1.When are you at your happiest?
On the beach… or playing music.
2. What’s your greatest fear?
3. Who do you admire?
4. What trait do you deplore in yourself/ other people?
In myself – constantly running on island time.
5. What’s your worst habit?
Being led astray easily.
6. Favourite word?
7. Who would you like to say sorry to?
8. Who do you despise?
I’m a lover, not a fighter.
9. Who or what is the love of your life?
My cat, Lola and music.
10. What would improve your life?
More sleep.
11. Worst job you have ever done?
I was a postie after high school. I had to deliver the post, on a pushbike, (often in torrential rain), over ridiculously steep hills. Yeah, that job was extremely short-lived.
12. What’s your greatest achievement?
I’m still yet to achieve it. For now, I’ll say… living the dream.
13. What keeps you awake at night?
DJ’ing. Literally.
14. How would you like to be remembered?
For being brave and making the world a brighter place.
15. What lessons has life taught you?
Soo. Many. Lessons. We are all just doing our best, so be kind to each other.
16. What would your super power be?
Ufff, that’s tough. To somehow reverse climate change and save endangered species from extinction. It might be quite fun to be able to fly and be indestructible while doing all that.
17. Favourite smell?
Flowers, especially freesias & roses.
19. Who would play you in a film?
I think, myself.
19. What song would you like played at your funeral?
Soo. Many. Songs.
Unfinished Sympathy – Massive Attack.
20. Top tip?
Never give up.
21.Tell us a secret…
Well, then it wouldn’t be a secret! Haha, come see me in private. 😉
Also anything exciting you would like to shout about, upcoming gigs, parties. weddings etc etc?
Super excited about my residency at Pikes, Ibiza this summer. In London, you can catch me playing at Soho House or The Ned rooftop. Follow me @brydie_music or on soundcloud. Thanks for taking time, enjoy the music. Peace.
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