Missed, Skipped And Flipped #2


GriMM Doza – Stoner 63

This New Jersey group have pushed the boundaries of where beat music can go. Instead of spending ages getting to the crux of track they jump straight in with the hook. From there they take the listener on a hazy hypnotic journey. The album jumps from library music samples, space hip-hop, jazz infused breaks, Wu-Tang inspired instrumentals and full on filthy bangers. As it’s only thirty minutes long, it’s perfect for late night tube journeys, or repeat listens while gaming or cooking.

DR:WR – Staring At The Light For Far Too Long

Sounding like the Doctor Who theme being messed up by Slugabed, Brighton’s DR:WR’s Staring At The Light For Far Too Long is twelve minutes of bouncy, uplifting, electro psychdelica. Despite its gargantuan length, 'Staring At The Light For Far Too Long' never gets boring. Just when you think you’ve got it worked out, the track skews one way then changes its mind and goes in another direction until finally it changes its mind and goes somewhere else altogether. Clever, weird stuff!

Ana Carvelle – Basic Climb

The idea of a harpist releasing a straight folk album on an electronica label might sound redundant but that’s exactly what Ana Carvelle and LA’s Non Projects have done. Carvelle’s music is inviting and luxurious, with rich storytelling and melodies to die for. While her voice can grate after prolonged listens, the instrumental and arrangement never gets tiresome.

Disasterpeace – Fez OST

There used to be a rule of thumb with computer games. The more annoying the soundtrack: the worse the game. Of course there were exceptions, but generally if it sounded as good as Street Fighter II you were on to a winner! Having never played Fez I’m going to have to guess it’s alright as the soundtrack sounds something between Zelda and Golden Axe at its more melodic end. This is 8-Bit hero music, and who doesn’t need that?