House Hunting X Thunder Presents Miles Simpson – Gherkin Records Mix


So as the ‘House Hunting Hot Week’ comes to the end of the record I'd just like to give a quick shout out to all those who read, follow and share the column – not forgetting all the serious selectors who have taken the time out to contribute on the guest editions too many to mention! All the support really appreciated – the column has far exceeded my expectations and with my weekly disciplined diggin' exploits amazing what you can unearth whether it’s been rinsing all of London’s record joints, jettin’ on a crate crusade to NYC or even scoring a huge house haul on Gumtree (still goin through that one…). As ever when work/life don't get in the way I'll endeavour to keep up my Strictly Rhythm schedule of writing one every week – they’re like a Nu Groove record you’ll be feelin’ some more than others but I aim to show house in all its unique forms. Major love to Ransom Note for giving me free license to go on (and on) about old house records… Here’s to the next 50!

Also shouts to all those who have hosted House Hunting nights (including house institution Boys Own!) and of course big love to Tonya who puts up with me hunting for and goin' on about house records in our household day and night 24/7 – I'm very, very lucky… However, I have to give my main shout and major props to Miles Simpson​ as he was the chief catalyst in me starting the column after initially contributing to his Thunder Picks series (been on hold of late Miles bring it back!) with my ‘Thrift Picks’ guest edition. So anyway, it’s only right that we have a House Hunting flashback and rewind Miles’ Gherkin Records mix that featured in my love letter to Brett Wilcots and Gherkin Records. A proper gherk out from the Gherkmaster – dip in the jar for that Gherkin flavour…

In case you missed it, check out the MAMMOTH 50th edition of House Hunting here and Mark Seven's exclusive House Hunting mixtape here.