8 Tracks: Of ’80s Public Access Television Broadcasts With Palmbomen Ii

Having initially been drip fed throughout 2017 as a four part 12" EP series, Memories of Cindy – the stunning new project from Dutch-born producer Palmbomen II aka Kai Hugo – has now been released in full as a 2xCD package via Beats In Space.
The record is themed around public access TV broadcasts from the '80s, so that's the basis for the surreal, late night wormhole of an 8 Tracks selection. "There are so many public access television fragments online," Hugo explains, "but also a lot I cannot find anymore. Here are some moments that inspired me in editing, for composition of a shot, for fonts used in advertisements, for building sets etc."
Memories of Cindy is out now via Beats In Space and you can buy it here.
This clip was in my moodboard for my ‘Memories of Cindy’ videos. Also the guy could be a character in my world. I love the shots made in this clip. The plants and the one closeup fading into the other. This is almost directly how I would make a music video. “Don’t you want to save our planet? Because it would be good of us?”