today is international day of happiness


If you’ve been feeling like you’ve just had some mandy blown up your bum, don’t worry – it’s not a flashback to that squat party in the late noughties where you overdid it and ended up cuddling the iguanas in London zoo on a Sunday evening – it’s International Day of Happiness!

This aint no joke neither, no no, International Day of Happiness  is the idea of the UN, no less. This is serious business. Stemming from a UN resolution in 2012 that stated the need for a: ‘more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes … the happiness and well-being of all peoples‘, International Happiness Day is celebrated and marked the world over.

So, turn your frown upside down and stick on some clown shoes or something and get happy even if it kills you, the UN have made it mandatory for crying out loud! 

Read all about it over at The Guardian.