Apologies for the lack of post last week, I was no well and work’s been going a bit mental. The usual shite. Fortunately the Ripped In Glasgow Massive have been contributing all sorts of goodness over the last two weeks
Nolan Micron from now defunct blog Castles In Space posted a couple of excellent Orange Juice rips including gall the artwork:
Falling And Laughing (with flex disc)
STX from also defunct blog audio.out posted the latest Authechre Radio Broadcast
Soundcloud-wise, there have been a few ALFOS-inspired mixes uploaded recently:
Paul’s Slow Mo Drug Chug Mix
and Upstairs Downstairs Mix –
and #6
Elsewhere, there are a couple of new mixes up from Ripped In Glasgow favourite, Timothy J Fairplay:
Rhythm Connection Radio Show
To finish off, a plug for longtime Ripped In Glasgow favourites Tingle In The Netherlands, who have a full length album available here– but there’s a freebie taster of three great tracks here– and (for some unknown reason) they are up for ‘weird band of the week’ on (me neither) and you can vote for them here
and that’s it for this week. Don’t forget to check out the RIG facebook Group– (email me on for an add) – and how about a ‘like’ for the BBC4 Goth Britannia campaign – facebook gothbritannia .
Must Reads
David Holmes – Humanity As An Act Of Resistance in three chapters
As a nation, the Irish have always had a profound relationship with the people of Palestine
Rotterdam – A City which Bounces Back
The Dutch city is in a state of constant revival
Going Remote.
Home swapping as a lifestyle choice
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