Seth Troxler’s Sweaty, Unwashed Dress Goes On Sale On Ebay
We've just had our attention drawn to a wonderful, once in a lifetime opportunity: Fabric are auctioning off the dress Seth Troxler wore to their 14th birthday party. In their own words-
Today we went through the stock of fancy dress costumes left over from last year's 15th Birthday weekend and we remembered that, for some bizarre reason, we'd saved the dress that Seth Troxler wore during our 14th Birthday celebration (pictured above).
The long, flowing red dress with gold piping detailing has long been a talking point here in the office – especially as it was laid out on an empty desk with a mask of Seth's face on on it for some time…
Please note: it has NOT, EVER been cleaned. And as such it does have an array of stains on it although, we're sad to say, that after two years, the smell of Seth may have dissipated from the garment somewhat.
We've joked about it in the past but we've decided that we'd like to auction the dress off and give the proceeds to charity so we emailed Seth and asked him who he'd like us to give the funds raised to. He told us that he'd like any proceeds to help the homeless so we've elected to donate any money raised by this auction to the housing and homlessness charity, Shelter –>
If you want this genuine piece of house history (and let's face it; who wouldn't?), you can get bidding over on eBay. UNBELIEVABLY no one has bid a thing yet, so you could feasibly get this grubby garment for a mere 99p.
You could, alternatively, spend your shekels on going to Fabric's 16th birthday, taking place over the weekend October 16th-18th. All yer info on that is over here.
The original listing has been removed by eBay, fortunately Fabric have sorted themselves out sharpish and fixed it! Here's why the original was taken down, according to eBay;
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